Webphone auto-connect on user login

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Webphone auto-connect on user login

Postby boiken » Tue Jun 13, 2023 4:22 pm


Webphone setup scenario

I wanted to ask if is there any possibility that once an agent logs in, it will dial the webphone automatically.

The default scenarios is that once an agents logs in the webphone shows Registered, then after a few seconds it show the Call Agent again, and once that is pressed it connects to the webphone.

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Re: Webphone auto-connect on user login

Postby carpenox » Wed Jun 14, 2023 1:19 pm

Yes just go to the web directory, if your using ViciBox go to /srv/www/htdocs/agc/
Once your there edit options-example.php and towards the bottom you'll find webphone seconds, set this to 1.

Save the file as options.php

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