Vicidial Upgrade From 2.12b0.5 to latest SVN

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Vicidial Upgrade From 2.12b0.5 to latest SVN

Postby ZeeTech » Wed Apr 18, 2018 6:30 am

I need to update my vicidial standalone from 2.12b0.5 to latest SVN; doesn't list upgrade method from 2.12 onward. Please advise.

VERSION: 2.12-541a BUILD: 160306-1053 DB Schema Version: 1455
Asterisk, libpri-1.4.15 with DAHDI Version: 2.11
Dell R720 – No additional hardware.
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Re: Vicidial Upgrade From 2.12b0.5 to latest SVN

Postby williamconley » Wed Apr 18, 2018 11:43 am

1) This is not a general discussion. It's a support request. Moving to the proper board.

2) Before you perform the steps in the UPGRADE document on the server, you need to upgrade the UPGRADE document along with everything else. Upgrading to the latest SVN revision level is done BEFORE any of the steps in the UPGRADE document. SVN is merely a managment system for the /usr/src/astguiclient/trunk folder, not the "live" code. The steps are this: First you upgrade the trunk folder to the latest svn revision. Then you use that trunk folder to upgrade the live server. That folder is merely the repository for the incoming code, a staging area if you will.

This is often how "repositories" work.

3) First:

Code: Select all
cd /usr/src/astguiclient/trunk
svn info

Note the svn revision level. Interesting.

4) Second:

Code: Select all
svn up
svn info

Note the new svn revision level. You have just "upgraded to the latest svn"

But: You have NOT made any changes to your live server!

5) Upgrade

You can now study the *new* UPGRADE document and look at any of the upgraded files in the svn repository before making them "live" by following the instructions in the UPGRADE document. You can also perform a FULL backup before proceeding with the upgrade installation.

Code: Select all
perl /usr/share/astguiclient/ --help

perl /usr/share/astguiclient/ --without-voicemail --debugX
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Re: Vicidial Upgrade From 2.12b0.5 to latest SVN

Postby thephaseusa » Sat Apr 21, 2018 8:53 am

And William, when you upgrade the svn you have to upgrade all servers in a cluster to the same svn correct?

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Re: Vicidial Upgrade From 2.12b0.5 to latest SVN

Postby mflorell » Sat Apr 21, 2018 11:35 am

Yes, you must upgrade ALL servers in a cluster to the same svn/trunk revision. And we always recommend upgrading the database schema first.
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Re: Vicidial Upgrade From 2.12b0.5 to latest SVN

Postby williamconley » Sat Apr 21, 2018 4:02 pm

thephaseusa wrote:And William, when you upgrade the svn you have to upgrade all servers in a cluster to the same svn correct?


AND the database! they must all match.
Vicidial Installation and Repair, plus Hosting and Colocation
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Re: Vicidial Upgrade From 2.12b0.5 to latest SVN

Postby VFRDavid » Sat Apr 21, 2018 8:54 pm

I am researching what I need to do when / if I upgrade a ViCiBox v6.x customer to a newer version of ViCiDial (they would like to make use of the "Chat" option - which didn't exist in that ISO).

Anyway - please let me know if I am reading the SVN UPGRADE document correctly... To me, it seems to be telling me that for each and every "########## UPGRADING FROM 2.xx TO 2.yy ##########" section it contains - it wants me to run the "upgrade_2.vv.sql" script to move the DB Schema along AND then run the - these two steps, with the value for "vv" in "upgrade_2.vv.sql" changing - but - just ONE - the latest one that "svn up" gave me - the same one - over and over... That didn't make any sense to me - so I quickly browsed through the file - and I didn't see anywhere that it does (or skips) anything based on the db schema version - so - should I in reality be running each of the "upgrade_2.vv.sql" files in succession, until I am finally at the most recent db schema version - the version that the current would be expecting to find - and then (and only then) finally, run the a single time on a system with an up-to-date db version?

I have backed up my MySQL data - twice - and moved them to a separate box - but - I still don't want to A) Run all of the "upgrade_2.vv.sql" scripts - just to find that I was supposed to run the after each - OR ... B) Run the FIRST "upgrade_2.vv.sql" script - and then the first iteration of - just to find that it fails and my system is screwed up because the code installed isn't complete / accurate / working - because there are missing fields in a number of tables...

Please let me know if I am correct in my assessment that I should be running all of the "upgrade_2.vv.sql" steps first, then a final, single execution of the


Please tell me if I am wrong - and missing something in the file that tells it what to install / update based on what DB Schema version it finds...and that it's necessary to run it once for every upgrade_2.vv.sql iteration...

I don't believe that my question is version specific - but - the system in question is starting at:

VERSION: 2.10-461a (System Settings show Version as 2.10b0.5)
BUILD: 141212-0930
SVN 2222
DB Schema 1396

Sorry if this should be clear to me - and thank you for any advice you can provide...THANKS
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Re: Vicidial Upgrade From 2.12b0.5 to latest SVN

Postby mflorell » Sun Apr 22, 2018 7:00 am

Yes, run all of the "upgrade_2.vv.sql" files you need in order from oldest to newest as the first step, then you only need to run the once on each server in your cluster.

Actually, the best first step is to back up your database, then run the upgrades :)
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