Feature Request: OnWindowClose event

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Feature Request: OnWindowClose event

Postby tbenson » Wed May 09, 2007 3:50 pm

Have an event OnWindowClose that runs a function to sign the agent out of vicidial before closing the window. Reducing the likelyhood of agents orphaning themselves inside conferences causing issues.

We are working toward this ourselves, unless someone else has done this already and wants to donate up to eflo.

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Postby mflorell » Wed May 09, 2007 5:06 pm

Good idea, please post a feature request to the VICIDIAL Issue Tracker and post the link to the new issue on this thread. If you have any code snippets or patches, please also post those to the issue tracker.
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Postby tbenson » Wed May 09, 2007 6:05 pm


Posted it, probably wont get someone to work on it until Monday when one of our guys is back in.

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Postby mflorell » Thu May 10, 2007 12:29 pm

I have added the feature in SVN. Check the issue post for more details.
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Postby mflorell » Thu May 10, 2007 12:42 pm

I have added the feature in SVN. Check the issue post for more details.
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Postby tbenson » Thu May 10, 2007 7:30 pm

Added it to be rolled in or its working in SVN? We got the code to popup an alert window for us, and tracked down the LogouT function which appears to be the call made on clicking logout. However the javascript goes into the BODY section, and were having a problem getting it wedged in where it only works on the main page.

Basically we got it to popup an alert event (intended to notify the agent of the incorrect logout), and then it attempts to LogouT (or should). Problem being if you logout correctly, the body is still in this next window to log back in, so if you close the window AFTER logout, it complains at you and says its loggin you out.

The popup is the more visual notice that the code is working, not required obviously, but nice to see until its working. The part I noticed is that I remained logged in, so i know the code for doing the event, but doesnt seem like I am entering the LogouT function properly. I will post the code to here and issue tracker later today (if i dont see something actually there already).

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Postby mflorell » Thu May 10, 2007 8:26 pm

The code is there on the SVN server. I wrote and tested it in about 20 minutes. It will only popup an alert if you did not logout properly. Let me know how it looks to you.

SVN instructions here:
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Postby tbenson » Fri May 11, 2007 12:49 am

Very nice. Works much better and has more logic then ours did :). We seem to have one or two places where the agents dont remember things for more the about 7 days, so this should help alot. I already dropped it into the system and will update our RPM with this as well.

Thanks Matt!
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Postby tbenson » Mon May 14, 2007 6:20 pm

In the middle of a call i click the close prompt, it lets me know I am in the middle of a call and to hangup first (assumably like logout would have). Then it fails back to "PLEASE CLICK THE LOGOUT LINK TO LOG OUT NEXT TIME.". The window is already closed, but the channel is still coming to my soft phone for the conference wit the client.

When I dial back into the conference it realizes im assigned the conference room and rings me again. Now I have 2 lines signed into the conference room, 1 on hold while im on the other one. I used the show conference channel information to destroy the session. Just wondering if anyone can think of logic to preempt this.

PS I did this intentially as a test to just work through any wrinkles with my original thought. This isn't going on in production, although if it was it would be a user training issue anyway ;)

Thanks for the great code Matt.
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Postby mflorell » Tue May 15, 2007 6:21 am

That actually happens on purpose so you don't loose the customer if you accidentally close the window. The other problem with closing a window in the middle of a call is that you have not dispositioned the call. I have not yet found any way to prevent an agent from closing a window except for opening the vicidial.php script in kiosk-mode which does help, but gets confusing if you also use WEB FORM a lot.
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Postby tbenson » Tue May 15, 2007 11:07 am

It was cool getting back into the call, just figured that maybe it could drop the initial agent in the conference. I had a few issues where something 'similar' was happening, not sure how but someone had 3 active SIP streams to their extension, but the phone had no active lines. So as soon as they would sign into the conference room the softphone would start giveing about .25 seconds of current audio audio with .75 seconds of silence audio. Sounds like a really really bad stutter to the agent, and such horrible audio quality that you cant talk to a client.

Now this may be totally moot, as in this instance I just opened the conference channel and dropped the line out. My softphone still new about the line, so it kept it active, which appears to alleviate the blending of the audio channels into a single line. Short of the spare line left in the conference it worked perfectly in a bad scenario.

I figure if an agent can screw up that bad in the middle of a call when they ONLY use Vicidial and softphone (nothing else to close), then they can learn to use conference channel info to resolve it.
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