COMPLETE - Agent IM Chat functionality

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Re: BOUNTY - Agent IM Chat functionality

Postby Nefariousparity » Thu Aug 08, 2013 2:24 pm

Disabling agents from chatting with each other is pretty simple. First steps are how you setup your groups. And then I also think it is something in the server settings. I have not used OpenFire in several months, but when I did have it I did do that. One call center I worked in was mainly women who hung out with each other after work. Needless to say them being able to chat about how the party went over the weekend negatively impacted the call center. To the point where fights almost broke out. So that was definitely removed. :D
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Re: BOUNTY - Agent IM Chat functionality

Postby bghayad » Tue Oct 01, 2013 3:24 am


In which vicidial (or vicibox) it is expected the IM with Email routing will be existed?

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Re: BOUNTY - Agent IM Chat functionality

Postby dspaan » Tue Oct 01, 2013 4:28 am

There is no chat in vicidial currently but if you grab the latest version and choose to use SVN codebase it will have the e-mail support feature.
Regards, Dennis

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Re: BOUNTY - Agent IM Chat functionality

Postby mflorell » Tue Oct 01, 2013 6:03 am

At this point only $1000 has been pledged, so it would only become fully funded at $7200, which means we need $6200 more in pledges before it is given priority.
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Re: BOUNTY - Agent IM Chat functionality

Postby williamconley » Tue Oct 01, 2013 1:02 pm

However, it is possible to add chat between users on your own or by a third party (like us) outside the SVN codebase. It requires installation of the chat server and a new pane in the agent screen and some configuration to match your usage.

Which brings me to the question: How do you intend/want to use the chat function?
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Re: BOUNTY - Agent IM Chat functionality

Postby bghayad » Tue Oct 01, 2013 2:42 pm

It requires installation of the chat server and a new pane in the agent screen and some configuration to match your usage.

* What is the chat server?
It will not be single login? Or the agent might receive calls and at the sametime will get some chatting requests?

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Re: BOUNTY - Agent IM Chat functionality

Postby williamconley » Tue Oct 01, 2013 3:27 pm

If you are looking for Chat between Agents and Prospects blended with normal campaign traffic, we don't have that yet. Your best bet there is The Vicidial Group. The amount left to make that "live" is actually quite reasonable. If, however, you merely want chat between agents and/or managers (ie: users), that we have already. The chat engine is OpenFire and the chat software is CandyChat and it would live in a tab on the agent screen and allow chat during or between calls. But NOT chat WITH clients.
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Re: BOUNTY - Agent IM Chat functionality

Postby bghayad » Tue Oct 01, 2013 3:59 pm

OK thanks.

And what about the emails?

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Re: BOUNTY - Agent IM Chat functionality

Postby williamconley » Tue Oct 01, 2013 4:02 pm

That was already answered earlier. Email was added by The Vicidial Group a few weeks ago. Upgrade if you don't have it. And read the posts on that topic for how to use it.
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Re: BOUNTY - Agent IM Chat functionality

Postby jrun » Tue Nov 26, 2013 7:26 am

why not use pbpbb3 and its social network mod. Same software this forum uses.. thriving community been around for ages.. open source. well documented, good permission and security structure easy to adapt to. Updated all the time.. As it becomes more feature rich those features should become available as well. Could run vicidial from custom added pages to phpbb3. Using a custom header and footer only bring the facebook like IM into the fold at the bottom corner that runs on top of the page. Create a login mechanize between the two a little work with users and groups should be all there would really be to do. Then any other phpbb3 feature or mod you wanted to piggy back in later should work in pretty easy. Just put a link somewhere to get to it since phpbb would be running in the background and you would never really see it otherwise unless you were configuring user and group permission pertaining to the IM feature or any other feature from phpbb you were using.

I had planned on doing something like this myself. Just ran across this thread and saw it was the topic. We dont use vicidial yet at my company we use a hosted service. That hosted service only has one way IM.. I can talk to the reps but they cant talk to me. My work around was to run the providers site out of an iframe in phpbb3 out of the portal mod for it and used the social network mods IM.. Which works well.
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Re: BOUNTY - Agent IM Chat functionality

Postby williamconley » Sat Nov 30, 2013 9:27 pm

The difference between IM and BB is speed. When I post this, you will get an email ... eventually. In an IM situation, the IM appears on the recipient's screen within a second.

Social networking is not what this is about. It's about being able to send an important message to someone presently in a phone call without compromising security. No packets sent to any 3rd party servers. And no delays (which may cost a sale).
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Re: BOUNTY - Agent IM Chat functionality

Postby tntconsulting » Tue Sep 02, 2014 10:17 am

We have implemented a "facebook like" chat using Openfire. When the agent logs in, the chat is automatically opened with 1on1 chat between agent and supervisor and a group chat for each particular campaign. Each campaign has a separate chat room, and no chatting across different campaigns.
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Re: BOUNTY - Agent IM Chat functionality

Postby mflorell » Tue Sep 02, 2014 11:30 am

We have a few client using OpenFire for chat in conjunction with Vicidial, it seems to work well for them, but it is another component to install, configure and maintain.

As for our internal development of agent chat, we actually have a very basic functional alpha up on our development servers that we work on every once in a while(haven't touched it in over a month), but it is moving forward slowly. It currently allows for multiple chat sessions with other users as well as multiple customers, it also logs everything that is typed. No estimated completion date, but we are hoping for the end of the year.
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Re: BOUNTY - Agent IM Chat functionality

Postby Trying » Fri Oct 10, 2014 4:05 am

Please remove my bounties. I have sold my company and am no longer using Vicidial. Keep up the incredible work!!
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Re: BOUNTY - Agent IM Chat functionality

Postby dspaan » Mon Oct 13, 2014 7:05 pm

Good luck with future endeavours Trying!

@tntconsulting - how did you setup openfire to disallow agents to chat with each other?
Regards, Dennis

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Re: BOUNTY - Agent IM Chat functionality

Postby tntconsulting » Mon Oct 13, 2014 9:14 pm


Openfire has a plugin for the chat, Packet Filter if I remember correct....has been a while and my IT staff manages it now. Look at the "rules" and allow or disallow chat between groups and group/users.
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Re: BOUNTY - Agent IM Chat functionality

Postby dspaan » Tue Oct 14, 2014 1:34 am

Yeah packet filter was the first thing i tried but it didn't work. The plugin is also outdated and unsupported. I posted in the openfire forum and no one could help me.
Regards, Dennis

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Re: BOUNTY - Agent IM Chat functionality

Postby tntconsulting » Tue Oct 14, 2014 6:12 am

you need to create groups...Agents/Supervisors/Admin...etc. Then set the rules to allow packets between the groups you choose and to drop packets where you want to block communication.

as following:

Agent group to Agent group = DROP
Agent group to Supervisors = ALLOW
Supervisors to Agent group = ALLOW
Supervisors to Supervisors = ALLOW

step-by-step tutorial.......
Install the Packet Filter Plugin from the "Plugins" tab of the OpenFire admin:
Make sure you have your "Staff" and "Support" groups set up.
Go to the "Packet Filter Rules" under "Server", "Server Settings"
Create a new rule to Pass Any messages from Group Staff to Group Support:
Then create a new rule to Drop Any messages from Group Staff to Group Staff. You should then have the following two rules:
You can optionally enable logging if you wish.

Now, any time a user from the Staff group tries to get the presence of or send a message to any other user from the Staff group, these messages will be dropped and the two will be unable to unable to see or chat with each other. However, messages from the Staff group to the Support group will be passed along.

You could chose in the second rule to Drop all messages from the Staff group if you choose. This will prevent them from communicating with anyone not in the Support group.
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Re: BOUNTY - Agent IM Chat functionality

Postby dspaan » Tue Oct 14, 2014 8:18 am

Thanks! I had already set it up this way afaik but i'll try again step by step and post back.
Regards, Dennis

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Re: BOUNTY - Agent IM Chat functionality

Postby stefano.pucci » Wed Jun 03, 2015 6:00 am

Any news about this project?
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Re: BOUNTY - Agent IM Chat functionality

Postby mflorell » Thu Jun 04, 2015 6:25 am

We're working on it, in the testing phase right now. Hope to have it released this summer.
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Re: BOUNTY - Agent IM Chat functionality

Postby dspaan » Fri Jul 24, 2015 7:44 pm

I noticed there is a chat feature in the latest SVN release. Only how does it work? I searched the help files but couldn't figure it out. Found these fields under System Settings:

Allow Chats 1/0
This is where you can set whether this system will be able to receive incoming chats in addition to phone calls, as well as allow agent-to-agent and agent-to-manager chatting.

Chat timeout in seconds
This is where you can set how long a customer chat can stay alive after the customer has navigated away from or closed their chat window. When the timeout is reached the chat is closed.

Chat URL
This is the location where you have placed the chat web pages for customer use.

User Settings:
Agent Call Chat

There is no entry in the help file for this field. If i set it to 1 it goes blank again after submitting.

Campaign Settings:
Allow Chats
This is where you can set whether the users of this campaign will be able to conduct chats in addition to receive phone calls.

If i set this to Y and sumbit it goes back to N.

I also noticed that under Reports>Admin Utilities there is an Agent-Manager chat log.

I logged in with two agents but could not see a way to chat with the agents. How does it all work?
Regards, Dennis

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Re: BOUNTY - Agent IM Chat functionality

Postby mflorell » Sat Jul 25, 2015 3:57 am

The chat feature settings have been added to the administration side of things, but the agent code has not been committed yet, so it is non-functional. We are still working on it in our free time and hope to have it committed before the end of the year.
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Re: BOUNTY - Agent IM Chat functionality

Postby ClearCall » Fri Sep 11, 2015 9:47 am

Very exciting news!
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Re: BOUNTY - Agent IM Chat functionality

Postby ClearCall » Tue Sep 22, 2015 1:22 pm

I was looking through the admin system settings and notice that there is a field for Chat URL. Does this mean that we will only be able to incorporate chat from one website? We currently use MyLiveChat to handle chat for both of our websites but running a separate application has its own challenges and I am excited about the possibility of using just Vicidial for all our communication needs.
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Re: BOUNTY - Agent IM Chat functionality

Postby mflorell » Tue Sep 22, 2015 2:01 pm

The Chat URL is for internal use, the CHAT feature will be able to be used on as many websites as you want. Chat with customers will use the same queueing mechanism as In-Groups(they are called Chat-Groups), so you can have several different ones if you want.

We are still in active testing of chat, and changes are being made to it weekly as we work out the bugs and fine-tune features. We plan to have it complete and rolled in to svn/trunk before the end of the year.
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Re: BOUNTY - Agent IM Chat functionality

Postby ClearCall » Tue Oct 20, 2015 9:44 am

Will there be an audio notification to the agent when a chat comes in to their session?
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Re: BOUNTY - Agent IM Chat functionality

Postby mflorell » Tue Oct 20, 2015 10:29 am

There is an audio alert for every message received, even in already active chat sessions.
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Re: BOUNTY - Agent IM Chat functionality

Postby mflorell » Thu Oct 22, 2015 12:39 pm

Just an update on this because we keep getting requests for the code to test:

We are going through the process of QA(Quality Assurance) testing on our agent chat code, and we are testing and making changes and fixes every week on this on our local builds of the agent chat code. Chat is very complex and has a lot of features that we have to test to ensure everything is working properly and not harming any other functions within Vicidial.

After we are done with QA, we will begin merging this branched agent chat code back into the main branch of the agent code, because dozens of changes have been made in the agent interface since we started working on chat.

Our estimated time to have this all completed and in svn/trunk for the public to try is before the end of the year.
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Re: BOUNTY - Agent IM Chat functionality

Postby dspaan » Tue Dec 08, 2015 12:17 pm

Looking forward to the release of the chat feature. What kind of changes will be made to the interface?
Regards, Dennis

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Re: BOUNTY - Agent IM Chat functionality

Postby mflorell » Tue Dec 08, 2015 4:13 pm

We're getting there :)

Chat will operate through a new tab in the agent screen(like SCRIPT or FORM).
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Re: BOUNTY - Agent IM Chat functionality

Postby mflorell » Sun Dec 13, 2015 10:53 pm

Chat is complete and has been committed to svn/trunk.

Here is the first draft of the documentation,

If you have any questions, or run into any issues with the new chat functionality, please let us know.
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Re: COMPLETE - Agent IM Chat functionality

Postby dspaan » Mon Dec 14, 2015 5:58 am

Cool 8)

Going to try and update tonight and post back here!
Regards, Dennis

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Re: COMPLETE - Agent IM Chat functionality

Postby blackbird2306 » Mon Dec 14, 2015 3:52 pm

Thank you very much for your x-mas present. You just made my day 8)
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Re: COMPLETE - Agent IM Chat functionality

Postby ClearCall » Mon Dec 14, 2015 4:07 pm

Great work ViciDial team!
I've only done one very basic test so far, but I will be testing this weekend.
I did notice only the Inbound Service Level Report and Fronter-Closer Report seem to include chat information and there is no Chat specific report similar to the Email Log Report and no record was inserted into the list I entered as Default List ID.
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Re: COMPLETE - Agent IM Chat functionality

Postby mflorell » Mon Dec 14, 2015 5:50 pm

There is a chat log report in Admin Utilities. And as for any issues you are having, please post them in the Issue Tracker. Chat is really in beta support at this time, and given it's complexity I would be surprised if there aren't a few things we need to fix with it.
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Re: COMPLETE - Agent IM Chat functionality

Postby ClearCall » Mon Dec 14, 2015 5:52 pm

I found the chat log. Thanks.
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Re: COMPLETE - Agent IM Chat functionality

Postby dspaan » Tue Dec 15, 2015 3:09 pm

Hi Matt,

I tested the chat feature and it works fine.

Some things though:

1.How do i disallow agents chatting with each other? It's going to be one big distraction when that can't be disabled.
2.I could not translate anything chat related yet, is that correct?
3.Internal chats have no timestamps, will this be added?

Also submitted a bug in Mantis:

I was wondering if it is possible to handle chats and e-mails at the same time? I never was able to setup e-mail handling, is there a guide for it somewhere?

Last comment: I'd suggest to give the customer chat interface a more updated look, the buttons are soooooooo vicidial! :lol:

Twitter bootstrap is much better in my humble opinion.

Look, here is an iframe we made in which we use the vicidial API to make call notes and e-mail them to clients or transfer calls:
Regards, Dennis

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Re: COMPLETE - Agent IM Chat functionality

Postby mflorell » Tue Dec 15, 2015 4:33 pm

To disallow agents chatting with each other you would need to use the User Group settings for Agent Status Viewable Groups

As for translation, I'm sure there's some cleanup we need to do there, and phrases that probably don't have the translation tags in there. If you could post a separate ticket with phrases and images that need to be translated, that would help.

I'm sure we could add timestamps to internal chats, but they aren't in there currently. Again, a separate ticket for a feature request for that would be a good place to start

As for chats and emails at the same time, there really isn't an easy way to do that given how everything is set up in the code. We do have clients that actually use two separate logins(one for emails where they use a "nophone" phone login) and they just work on the emails as they have free time available from the other agent screen where they handle phone calls.

Yes, the buttons are very vicidial :)
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Re: COMPLETE - Agent IM Chat functionality

Postby dspaan » Wed Dec 16, 2015 2:01 am

But the problem with the viewable groups setting is that if you disable agents from seeing each other you also disable them from seeing who's waiting/paused/talking in the view agents right fold-out bar.
Regards, Dennis

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