Will this server be used as a Telephony server?

Support forum for the ViciBox ISO Server Install and ISO LiveCD Demo

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Will this server be used as a Telephony server?

Postby drodecker » Sat Aug 12, 2023 5:32 am

We are performing a full backup of an existing cluster and recovering it to a new server (as VM's). The new server version is being kept to the same version as the old server. (after we get it up and working; will consider updating)

Recovery of the DB went perfect; it's online and happy.

Now upon installing the VoIP server... here's the vicibox-install question that we're unsure about:
Code: Select all
Will this server be used as a Telephony server? [y/N] : y
---> Is this the first server in a cluster? [y/N] :

Would it be considered the first VoIP server even though the cluster had a VoIP server before?

Build Version : 190902-0839
Admin Version : 2.14-718a
Asterisk v.13 found!
Local SVN Revision : 3133
Head SVN Revision : 3751

BTW- please don't preach about the pro's/con's of using VM's; fyi- we've had good luck with another cluster using a different HyperV and this one will have less users.
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Re: Will this server be used as a Telephony server?

Postby mflorell » Sat Aug 12, 2023 6:33 am

If you are restoring a backup from an existing functional VICIdial system, then it will already have entries from the previous VOIP server, so you do NOT want to select 'Y' for the 'first server in the cluster' install option at that step.
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Re: Will this server be used as a Telephony server?

Postby drodecker » Sat Aug 12, 2023 12:42 pm

That makes sense. Thank you.
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Re: Will this server be used as a Telephony server?

Postby drodecker » Sat Aug 12, 2023 1:52 pm

Problem is that the vicibox-install seems to prematurely short-circuit and doesn't install the voip server:

Code: Select all
Configuring Telephony Server...
Telephony server already exists! Server was previously installed.

To be clear-
This was done on a fresh server intended to be a Telephony server; selecting N to being the "first server". The server IP (database record) does exist in the asterisk database.
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Re: Will this server be used as a Telephony server?

Postby drodecker » Sat Aug 12, 2023 2:08 pm

Attempted to delete the server record (using Vicidial GUI).
This allowed vicibox-install to proceed in installing the Telephony server.
However during the install, it had several error's:
Code: Select all
ERROR 1062 (23000) at line 301: Duplicate entry '' for key 'serverconf'

Hopefully those are ignorable.
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Re: Will this server be used as a Telephony server?

Postby Kumba » Wed Sep 06, 2023 2:07 am

If you run
Code: Select all
vicibox-install --help
you'll see that there is a --restore option. This is for use when replacing a web or telephony server in a cluster.

Since you've already deleted the server record in the Admin GUI you might as well clear any records in the vicidial-conferences and conferences tables that belong to that server's IP. That will effectively let vicibox-install run as if the server was brand new.
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