Dispo to Email Integration

Sat Nov 14, 2020 6:45 am
by renemar
I have setup the Dispo to email option its working but we need to add attachment and a separate Dispo to email after a call back as followup mail.
Re: Dispo to Email Integration

Sat Nov 14, 2020 4:46 pm
by mflorell
Attachments are allowed as part of the existing agc/dispo_send_email.php script, as long as they are on the webserver the agent is logged into. You can send up to 20 attachments using the "email_attachment_1, email_attachment_2,etc..." variables with the variables pointing to the file path of the attachment on the webserver. We added that functionality a couple of years ago for a client that wanted to send various pre-made file attachments to customers.