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Track how many sec after 3-way call

PostPosted: Mon Jun 23, 2014 3:39 pm
by garski
I can't find any reports in Vicidial where to see the record of how many seconds the call hangup on a 3rd party after Transfer to another DID number. Is there any turn-around on this? As we will transfer calls to another center using local DID's, however we are charging them up 60sec above conversation after we transferred the call to them.

Re: Track how many sec after 3-way call

PostPosted: Tue Jun 24, 2014 6:27 am
by mflorell
You are going to have to be more specific on exactly what you are doing and what you are looking for. What you described has several ways of working, and the method of determining the time on the call can be different depending on the method you are using. Please give a step by step of what you are doing, and exactly what data you are looking for.

Re: Track how many sec after 3-way call

PostPosted: Tue Jun 24, 2014 8:15 am
by garski
The plan is this. While the agent is on the call with the customer, we will then transfer/call it to another center using DID/Tollfree numbers. we then bill the customer based on how many sec from the time we transferred the call until they hangup the call.

Since it will leave their session, there is no logs in vicidial that stores the length of sec until they hangup the call.

I tried several turn around but I can't seem to log it properly, the last step I made is this:

Using Dialplan Numbers under Phones, so once I transferred it to dummy DID (999555) that 999555 in DID setting is then routed to Phones to = monitoring_test with Dialplan Number (XXXXXXXXXX) to dial the 3rd party.

However, the logs in DID is only from transferred call until the time I press leave 3-way. or using blind transfer. Is there other way to do this? I know this is possible but I don't know if it is possible with Vicidial.

Re: Track how many sec after 3-way call

PostPosted: Tue Jun 24, 2014 10:15 am
by mflorell
We have done this several times using the agi-NVA_recording.agi script(which doesn't have to trigger audio recording if you don't want it to) and a custom dialplan entry with a special 3-way dial prefix in the campaign settings.

Re: Track how many sec after 3-way call

PostPosted: Tue Jun 24, 2014 10:32 am
by garski
correct me if I am wrong. Is this correct? once I use transfer-conference dialer 999555 it will dial 9119111110 and where does the logs goes to in vici? How about if I need recordings as well? thanks for the help.

exten => 999555,1,AGI(agi-NVA_recording.agi,BOTH------Y---N---Y---N)
exten => 999555,n,Dial(SIP/telcoprovider/9119111110${EXTEN:6},40,tTo)
exten => 999555,n,Hangup

tried this and there is no log of channel_group = PHONE_DIAL. Does it have to be GoTo not Dial?

Re: Track how many sec after 3-way call

PostPosted: Tue Jun 24, 2014 11:04 am
by garski
Got the code now. i use this one to record the call_log (agi-NVA_recording.agi,BOTH------N---Y---N---N).

However, on normal dial out, it records the length of calls, even in manual dial through SIP. But once I used Vicidial, Blind transfer to 999555, it has no length in sec count. Only a start epoch but no end epoch.

2nd attempt:
I use (agi-NVA_recording.agi,BOTH------Y---Y---Y---Y). using Blind Transfer

But still in both PHONE_DIAL and DOUBLE_LOG, there isn't any length in sec, even in recording_log it shows 0 sec, user_log has no length in sec record though.

I noticed in the script. there is no end epoch or update once the call ends.

Code: Select all
"INSERT INTO call_log SET uniqueid='$unique_id', channel='$channel', channel_group='PHONE_DIAL', server_ip='$VARserver_ip', type='$type', extension='$accountcode', number_dialed='$extension', caller_code='$callerid', start_time='$now_date', start_epoch='$start_epoch'"

Code: Select all
INSERT INTO recording_log (channel,server_ip,extension,start_time,start_epoch,length_in_sec,filename,lead_id,user,location,vicidial_id) values('$channel','$VARserver_ip','$extension','$now_date','$start_epoch','0','$filename','$lead_id','$accountcode','$filename','$unique_id')

Even in recording_log, it is alwasy putting "0" as the length_in_sec.

Re: Track how many sec after 3-way call

PostPosted: Tue Jun 24, 2014 2:45 pm
by mflorell
You may need to run the call through the IAX loop trunk to get things to log properly.

Re: Track how many sec after 3-way call

PostPosted: Tue Jun 24, 2014 3:05 pm
by garski
Tried it and still the same:

exten => 999555,1,AGI(agi-NVA_recording.agi,BOTH------Y---Y---N---Y)
exten => 999555,n,Dial(${TRUNKloop}/519119111110${EXTEN:6},,tTo)
exten => 999555,n,Hangup

Once I used the dial with customer the logs is until i click "Leave 3 way", I'll see if I can find another way for this.

Re: Track how many sec after 3-way call

PostPosted: Wed Jun 25, 2014 6:26 am
by mflorell
If that is the 3way call path, then it should be logging to the call_log independently of whether the agent is in the session or not.

Re: Track how many sec after 3-way call

PostPosted: Wed Jun 25, 2014 7:53 am
by garski
This is what I have in extensions.conf right now

exten => 999555,1,AGI(agi://
exten => 999555,n,Dial(SIP/telcoprovider/9119111110${EXTEN:6},40,tTo)
exten => 999555,n,Hangup

Am I correct? So far I seen the call log length of sec. But as per my record it is adding up the count of agent call until the 3rd party hangup.

Re: Track how many sec after 3-way call

PostPosted: Wed Jun 25, 2014 4:04 pm
by mflorell
You should pass it through the loopback trunk before dialing out.

Re: Track how many sec after 3-way call

PostPosted: Thu Jun 26, 2014 4:34 pm
by garski
Got it now, working.

exten => 999555,1,AGI(agi://
exten => 999555,n,Dial(${TRUNKloop}/519119111110${EXTEN:6},40,tTo)
exten => 999555,n,Hangup

Thanks matt, i got a count of length in sec. until they hangup. although there is some 5 sec additional call until they answer is included.