Lot of suggestion from outbound agents!

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Lot of suggestion from outbound agents!

Postby DarknessBBB » Mon Mar 08, 2010 12:49 pm

Hello everybody,
We're starting (at last!) to test Vicidial in our environment (only outbound). All the agents are reclaming some useful features that they miss a lot from the "excel list era"
So I hope this can be useful to other users!

1) When they recall agent-only callbacks the notes are visible only in the callback list. When they choose the lead to call, the notes are pratically lost: they can't read them while they are on call, and they can't reuse and modify them when they schedule the callback again (i.e. if the lead hasn't answered)

2) Write a note for every disposition and show them the next time the lead is called for that campaign (but I've already open a ticket for this: http://www.vicidial.org/VICIDIALmantis/view.php?id=117

3) We use 19" wide monitors (1440x900) and the text is very very little, particularly for older ladies. We zoom in the page in firefox for this.

4) Again with our monitors, the callback list and generally the whole agent screen (name and surname i.e.) is a very little portion of the monitor. Would be great if the size is adaptive with the resolution.

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Joined: Mon Jul 16, 2007 10:14 am

Postby mflorell » Mon Mar 08, 2010 1:49 pm

Please submit issues for these if you get a chance, most changes though would be getting made to trunk not the 2.2.0 branch
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