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Using Call Hangup Route only for certain ingroups

PostPosted: Tue Apr 18, 2023 3:16 pm
by ccabrera

As in a previous post, I'm using the Call Hangup Route successfully in some of our campaigns. However, now I'd like to exclude certain ingroups from accessing this feature.

I have a campaig X which answers call from ingroups A, B & C. What I need to do is apply a survey for ingroups A & B, but leave ingroup C out of the survey.

We know there is a Survey feature inside the ingroups, but the problem with this feature is that it asks the customer for "permission" in order to apply the survey at the end of the call, wether the Call Hangup Route feature doesn't require permission to be applied, and it just so happens automatically when hanging up, which is ideal.

Besides creating different campaigns for different ingroups, how can you limit the Call Hangup Route for specific calls which enter a certain ingroup, instead of applying it to the whole calls within a campaign? Currently I believe there is no ingroup feature to accomplish this, but I wanted to ask just to be sure.

I'm currently using SVN 3695 for this purposes.


Re: Using Call Hangup Route only for certain ingroups

PostPosted: Tue Apr 18, 2023 6:35 pm
by mflorell
You are correct, there is currently no feature that does what you are looking for, although I'm sure one could be added.