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Technical problem

PostPosted: Fri Oct 28, 2022 5:39 am
by weasthost
Hi guys,
I will be very thankful for your help!
I'm running 24 agents' computers with Windows 7, and I noticed most of the time that during a call (outbound call) the agent loses the song in his computer!
note: The computer config is verified and good. The headset is tested and is good. The browser is chrome.
I couldn't identify where exactly the problem is. I wish I will have your help as soon as possible.

Re: Technical problem

PostPosted: Fri Oct 28, 2022 8:52 am
by jamiemurray

Couple things we'd need to know before being able to advise further.

Post your install method, build/svn version and hardware used.
What are the agents using for their phone connection? WebRTC, softphones or hard phones?

Also for this post your campaign settings, particularly the dial level, avail only, recording.

"Loses song" I assume means the agents lose the audio connection, if not please clarify.

Re: Technical problem

PostPosted: Fri Oct 28, 2022 9:34 am
by weasthost

thanks for your time.

VERSION: 2.14-787a
BUILD: 210211-1145

campaign settings:
dial method> RATIO
Dial level> 16
Campaign Recording> ALLFORCE
Recording Delay> 0

"the agents lose the audio connection"
Yes, you're right. The agent loses the audio connection. like the headset plugged out from the computer but ut is not, and the agent got electricity chock sometimes.

Re: Technical problem

PostPosted: Fri Oct 28, 2022 10:55 am
by jamiemurray
Is this one server? What's the spec of the server(s) used?

Re: Technical problem

PostPosted: Fri Oct 28, 2022 10:57 am
by jamiemurray
I actually just laughed at the electricity shock part, do they actually get electrocuted or are you referring to static/buzzing on the lines?

Re: Technical problem

PostPosted: Fri Oct 28, 2022 11:16 am
by weasthost
yes one server

"electricity shock part"
do they actually get electrocuted: Yes, I'm not referring to "buzzing on the line".
instead, they really get electrocuted.

Re: Technical problem

PostPosted: Fri Oct 28, 2022 11:27 am
by jamiemurray
If they're getting electrocuted then you're in the wrong place, you should be contacting a qualified electrician!

I'm going to hell for how hard I laughed reading that!

All jokes aside though, a single server with 24 agents, 16:1 and 100% recording just isn't going to cut it IMO, you should think about adding a second sever to your installation and load balance the agents across them but I really would recommend sorting out your electricity issue first before someone gets hurt or worse.

Re: Technical problem

PostPosted: Fri Oct 28, 2022 12:11 pm
by weasthost
yeah! It is worth laughing actually.
But it's not happening all the time. Also, it is not that level to hurt! It is just a Micro chock that I think causes the Headset to be disconnected from the computer even if it's still plugged in. So, for now, there are only 6 agents working which I think is fine for one server. Based on your advice, I understand that since they got electrocuted so the issue must be about electricity and I have to call an electrician.