Setting DNC

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Setting DNC

Postby dhijrwn » Mon Aug 01, 2022 6:04 am

Hi guys, I'm currently having an issue with the DNC phone numbers.

How to prevent it from dialing? I know Vicidial will blocked DNC phone number when loading it to the hopper as long as they are marked it as DNC or in the internal DNC list.

The scenario is we have 2 lists and let's say 100 and 101 and contains some duplicate phone numbers.

let's say 2 same phone number is loaded to the hopper but in different list.
100 7149331222
101 7149331222

now the list 100 7149331222 was marked as DNC and now for the 101 7149331222 it will still going to be call because it is already loaded to the hopper. Is there a way to prevent this? to be dial when it is already marked as dnc?

The internal dnc and campaign dnc are enabled.
Cluster setup i7-9700 cpu @ 3.00ghz 32GB ram 1xDB WEB ARCH 11xTEL 4core
ViciBox v.9.0.3 ISO VERSION:2.14-853a BUILD: 220328-1420
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