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Which OS is best for Agents PC running Vicibox Server

PostPosted: Thu Oct 27, 2016 5:06 pm
by Kristyan
Hello everyone and as a new member sorry for the errors on this thread.

I just wanna ask which Operating system is best to use for call center. Im planning to run a vicibox server but what OS should i use for agents computers. Some friends tells Windows XP some says UBUNTU.

Which do you thinnk guys?

Re: Which OS is best for Agents PC running Vicibox Server

PostPosted: Thu Oct 27, 2016 9:25 pm
by mflorell
That's a tough one. We have clients using just about every type of OS in their call centers. It really depends on what capabilities are needed.

One of our larger clients uses Ubuntu, and has locked down the workstations to make them easier to manage. It also works much more efficiently than the newer Windows operating systems that auto-download and auto-update, causing unpredictable down-times. Speaking of which...

Another larger client of ours earlier this year had to deal with all of their Windows 8 workstations trying to download Windows 10 at the same time, resulting in their network being unusable for a couple of days.

But that said, if you manage your workstations properly, you can use just about anything with a web browser as your VICIdial agent OS.

Re: Which OS is best for Agents PC running Vicibox Server

PostPosted: Fri May 12, 2017 6:18 pm
by mattyou1985
what ever you like ...pc tablet... smart tv

me ime on w7 x64 enterprise x50 agents w7 x64 pro x5 admin with Dommain controaler and using windows server 2016 with f12 windows reinstall (got it down to 45min)

why this for me well if an agent wants to play with the windows setting to mess up his pc so i then have to spend time fixing it wils he arses around .......i think not

got my dommain on lock down thay carnt even ajust the sound option in windows now thay have to do it by head set now ive loveing it

and last resort format pc do f12 install thanks to sysprep all .exe's are all pre installed job dun even a 4 year old can now fix eney agent pc