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how to change or add vicidial_statuses values ???

PostPosted: Mon Aug 28, 2006 10:09 pm
by abhasbajpai
i want to change some vicidial_statuses values
like from 'NP','No Pitch No Price' to
'HU' , 'Hung Up'
I don't know sql so can u tell me the query to change this
on a live system (do i have to resart the mysql demon after doing this and if agents should be logged off)
and i want to know how to add some more vicidial_statuses values
like 'AS','above seventy'
its that can i do it like
use asterisk;
insert into vicidial_statuses values('AS','Above Seventy','Y');
on live system
or i hv log every agent off before doing this.
help needed

PostPosted: Tue Aug 29, 2006 9:17 am
by mflorell
UPDATE vicidial_statuses SET status='HU', status_name='Hungup' where status='NP';