Discussions about development of VICIDIAL and astGUIclient

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Postby dspaan » Thu Sep 20, 2018 4:22 pm

I did some testing. When PRESS_CID_CALLBACK is used the current lead is set to status WAITTO and in the specified Wait Time Option Callback List ID a new lead is created with status INBND (this should be the dialable status in the campaign).

When you use PRESS_CALLBACK_QUEUE the current lead is not duplicated but remains in the original list and gets status WAITTO. So in this scenario the WAITTO status should be the dialable status in the campaign.

I find this very confusing and not well documented. It would also be nice if these statuses were added to the system statuses by default. But even if you add them yourself what kind of description would you use that makes sense? Since if you use the first method the WAITTO status is a completed status and should not be dialable and if you use the second method it is not a completed status and should be dialable.

Unless i overlooked something i recommend to change the code so a different status is used for PRESS_CALLBACK_QUEUE.
Regards, Dennis

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Postby mflorell » Fri Sep 21, 2018 5:11 am

PRESS_CALLBACK_QUEUE is whole new queueing feature that does not require you to do anything with lists or campaign setup for outbound dialing, the system will place the call automatically for the next available agent in the affected in-group when the customer's place in line is reached.
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Postby dspaan » Fri Sep 21, 2018 8:33 am

Hi Matt,

How does this work exactly? Is it a seperate table just like callbacks?

Does the list need to be active for this to work?
Regards, Dennis

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Postby mflorell » Fri Sep 21, 2018 2:26 pm

It's a whole new separate queueing process, with separate tables and code monitoring it. You don't need to worry about list settings at all for it to work.

Have you read the doc on it?
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Postby dspaan » Sat Sep 22, 2018 10:25 am

Didn't know that doc existed, just read it. When and how is it made known a new doc is posted? I didn't see it in the SVN notes.

So this doesn't work with RATIO dialing? How many hours would it be make this available for RATIO and Predictive methods?
Regards, Dennis

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Postby mflorell » Sat Sep 22, 2018 10:47 am

All new features are announced on the vicidial_dev Twitter feed:
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Postby mflorell » Sat Sep 22, 2018 10:49 am

This is only an inbound feature, it will work just fine in RATIO or ADAPT_ campaign modes for inbound calls.

If you want it to work on outbound calls, just set the drop time of your campaign to -1 and drop to an in-group that has this feature enabled.
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Postby dspaan » Sun Sep 23, 2018 10:14 am

Hi Matt,

I aready read that twitter feed on a regular basis, i guess i'll just keep an eye on this page too.
By drop time do you mean drop call seconds? Thanks for the tip, this is basically a replacement for the drop lists feature, am i right? With drop lists i also had the same issue that duplicate leads were added in the system. What does the -1 setting do? I don't see that in the documentation.

I did some testing and have some remaining questions:

-If someone chooses to use the is callback queue option and before they are called back decides to dial back in themselves, i noticed the caller is still called back while waiting in line. if that call becomes a DROP call that client gets called back again after talking to an agent (if you are dialing drops), is there a way to prevent that?
-I noticed if i do an inbound call twice in a row and asked to be called back twice i'm actually called back twice, is there a way to prevent that?
-how does the agent know he is taking a dialed callback queue call? With the previous feature you could send the record to specific list and use a specific script. Will this show the original ingroup color when the agent gets the call? I guess in that case the agent has no way of know the called was called back or not.
-Same as the previous question but i'm just wondering which caller ID the caller sees when he's called back?

Some notes:

-these callbacks are really treated by the system as inbound calls. So they won't show up in the hopper.
-the dial status of these pending callbacks is not relevant, the status of the lead is set to WAITTO as a dialstatus but you don't have to add that status as a dial status in the campaign
Regards, Dennis

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Postby mflorell » Sun Sep 23, 2018 3:23 pm

I wouldn't call it a replacement for the drop lists feature, since Callback-Queue requires the customer to select that they want to be called back.

There is currently no way to remove callback-queue records once they have been entered, unless the system removes them automatically after their "Callback Queue Expire Hours".

The agent will not see this was an outbound call, it will appear as a Dial In-Group call to them and they will hear ringing when the call initiates.

The CallerID used is the one set in the In-group "Dial In-Group CID" field. If that's not populated, it will use the campaign settings the agent is logged into.
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