Looking for Knowledge on the non_agent_api

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Looking for Knowledge on the non_agent_api

Postby jrecord57 » Thu Apr 15, 2021 10:28 am

Not sure if this was meant to be in support or not so I am just putting it here. Moderators, I will relocate it there, just let me know if I need to. Reason why I don't think it is support is because I think everything is behaving the way that it should, I am just looking for a different solution.

So long story short, I built a custom web form that launches with the agent's calls to update lead information through the appropriate function of the non_agent_api. What I am having a problem with though is that when the agent updates a client's information through my web form, everything is updated perfectly, however, when they disposition the call, the information is being saved over blank, I am assuming because the lead information is still blank in the Vicidial agent screen when the call is terminated and the disposition screen fires. So what I am currently trying to have the agents do is to disposition the call on the Vicidial side first, then click the button that updates the lead record through the non_agent_api on my web form. The key word there though is "trying". Some of the agents are obviously not doing it correctly and it is causing a loss of data that then has to be recovered through listening to recordings which we all know is time consuming and wasteful.

I was just kind of wondering if anyone has had this same issue and what they did to help resolve it? I know that I will get some answers like "well make sure your agents do it the way that you tell them to," and trust me, I am. I just deal with some over seas rooms and just certain people are having trouble with it so I would rather build something that prevents the user error than to have to deal with them because we all know human errors are bountiful, at least in my experience they are! Thank you in advance to anyone that offers any help or insights!
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Re: Looking for Knowledge on the non_agent_api

Postby mflorell » Thu Apr 15, 2021 10:43 am

For cases like this, we usually recommend using the Agent API 'update_fields' function which will force the data in the agent screen to refresh to what you set it to:
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Re: Looking for Knowledge on the non_agent_api

Postby jrecord57 » Thu Apr 15, 2021 11:03 am

Oh wow man thanks. And actually I apologize for not reviewing the functions in more detail to locate this one. But thanks again! This is going to be such a big help for me!
ViciBox 9.0.3 from .iso | ViciDial VERSION: 2.14-834a BUILD: 211208-1646 | Asterisk 13.34.0-vici | 3 Server Cluster (DB, Web, Telephony) | No Digium/Sangoma Hardware | No Extra Software After Installation | Xeon E3-1230 v6 Quad-Core 3.5 GHz
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