SIP Trunk Provider That Allows Customer Caller ID

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SIP Trunk Provider That Allows Customer Caller ID

Postby getswole89 » Sat Jan 20, 2024 6:39 pm

Hey everyone,

We’re looking for a SIP Trunk provider that works well with call centers that do a high volume of outbound dialing and also allows the Customer Caller ID to work with 3-way transfers. We’re currently using Telnyx but it doesn’t seem like they allow this, I’ve also tested Twilio but it doesn’t seem like they allow this either
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Re: SIP Trunk Provider That Allows Customer Caller ID

Postby carpenox » Sat Jan 20, 2024 8:20 pm

Message me through any of the methods in my signature, I can help you out.
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Re: SIP Trunk Provider That Allows Customer Caller ID

Postby dreedy » Mon Feb 12, 2024 11:20 am

sounds like you have the campaign setting wrong

this setting needs to be "CAMPAIGN" on this line.

3-Way Call Outbound CallerID

this is under detail veiw of campaign.
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Re: SIP Trunk Provider That Allows Customer Caller ID

Postby RBecker » Fri Feb 16, 2024 7:40 am

Check out the link in my signature, my company offers and allows this.
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Re: SIP Trunk Provider That Allows Customer Caller ID

Postby williamconley » Wed Jan 22, 2025 2:13 pm

Technical information on this topic:

IF your carrier allows you to dial out with the CID of a phone number you do not own, they are required (in the us) by law to mark that call as Class C. Many carriers won't accept these calls, others will mark them as possible spam.

Stir/Shakn rules require that you prove to your carrier that you own the number of outboud CID to get "B" rating. If the CID you are using is not actually owned by anyone, it's "D" rating. If your DID is in the same account as the one making the call with that CID, you get an A because they don't even need proof you own the number. So many carriers are simply requiring you to use the numbers in their system or list the numbers you'll be using.

BUT: Smaller carriers may not mind making "C" rated calls and if you configure your system properly, you can ONLY pass these 3-way calls through that small carrier, rather than all your calls. This could make those calls fairly expensive by comparison to the normal dialer calls, but if these are actual calls with the customer on the line, they are often important and profitable enough to justify a few extra cents without a problem. LOL

We have a couple clients that require the ability to pass their calls through a 2nd server (bounce) to pass through their primary carrier on a different rate deck because they only allow one rate deck per IP. But the second rate-deck allows "all calls connected! Enterprise Quality" for those 3-way calls with customers. And we have a dedicated server for this task for the clients who need it.

We do sell minutes for this limited purpose for those without a carrier that allows it. Note that we have sliding scale based on ACD (average call duration)/ASR (average seizure ratio) and short call percentage. The worse your stats, the higher your per minute charge.
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